Good afternoon, Today I thought I'd share a LO I did showing my daughter on her bike. I did actually spend some time cleaning up my scrap room, amazing what you come across. I made a deal with myself to use up a lot more of what I already have. For this LO I used a kit I have from 3Birds. It's a great company usually featured on HSN. All products are from the kit except the lace and journaling spot.
I did find out that I may be receiving a Slice in the near future!!! I never really looked at these types of things simply because I know they aren't in the budget at this point. So I'm very excited to see if it will work out or not! I've also been asked to lead a Middle School Ministries at our church as well as do a few bulletin boards for our Womens Sunday School class, so I think the Slice would be great for doing the boards. Wish me luck! Thanks for looking.